Regulation 3 Additional employee.
(1) Subject to article 4, a person who commences employment shall be regarded as an additional employee for the purposes of these Regulations where -
(a) in the period of 7 days immediately before the date of commencement of that employment, that person was -
(i) in receipt of -
(I) jobseeker’s benefit,
(II) jobseeker’s allowance,
(III) one-parent family payment, or
(IV) disability allowance,
(ii) participating in or, as appropriate, attending at -
(I) the scheme administered by the Minister and known as the national internship scheme and receiving a payment made in respect of participation in that scheme,
(II) the work placement programme within the meaning of section 142B(3) of the Principal Act and receiving one of the payments referred to in paragraph (a) (i) of this sub-article,
(III) the scheme provided by the Minister and known as Community Employment and receiving a payment made in respect of participation in that scheme,