Effective date and transition for clarifications of the accounting for contingent consideration that arises from business combinations (para. BC434D)
BC434D Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2010-2012 Cycle, issued in December 2013, clarifies the accounting for contingent consideration that arises from business combinations. The IASB considered whether the transition provisions of paragraph 19 in IAS 8 should apply, which require retrospective application. The IASB considered that the amendments required fair value measurement, and that some entities might not have previously applied fair value measurement for the subsequent measurement of contingent consideration. Retrospective application might therefore require the determination of fair value for contingent consideration, which might not have been previously measured at fair value following initial recognition. It may be impracticable for an entity to determine the fair value of such contingent consideration without using hindsight. Consequently, the IASB decided to require prospective application to avoid the risk of hindsight being applied. The IASB also decided on a 1 July 2014 mandatory effective date for the amendments to IFRS 3 and the consequential amendments to IAS 37 as well as to IFRS 9 and IAS 39, depending on the financial instruments Standard that is applied by the entity at the time that this amendment becomes effective.