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Version date: 26 February 2020 - onwards

Effective date and transition (paras. BC225-BC230A)

BC225 When deciding the effective date for IFRS 13, the IASB considered the comments received on the Request for Views Effective Date and Transition Methods. Many respondents said that the effective date should allow enough time for them to put the necessary systems in place to ensure that their accounting policies and models meet the requirements of IFRS 13. Some of those respondents, particularly those with many assets and liabilities measured at fair value, requested a later effective date. Other respondents requested an earlier effective date, mainly for comparability reasons and because in their view many entities might have inadvertently already started applying the revised concepts.

BC226 The IASB concluded that although IFRS 13 is a major new standard, it does not require any new fair value measurements and it does not fundamentally change many of the requirements for measuring fair value or for disclosing information about those measurements. The IASB concluded that in many respects, IFRS 13 uses different words to articulate the concepts already present in IFRSs. However, the IASB also considered the time that a particular country might require for translation and for introducing the mandatory requirements into law.

BC227 Consequently, the IASB decided that IFRS 13 should be effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2013. Because IFRS 13 applies when other IFRSs require or permit fair value measurements (and does not introduce any new fair value measurements), the IASB believes that the extended transition period for IFRS 13 provides enough time for entities, their auditors and users of financial statements to prepare for implementation of its requirements.