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Version date: 25 June 2020 - onwards
Version 2 of 2

Discount rates (paragraphs 36 and B72-B85 of IFRS 17) (paras. BC185-BC205B)

(paragraphs 36 and B72-B85 of IFRS 17)

BC185 This section discusses:

(a) whether the measurement of all insurance contracts should be discounted (see paragraphs BC186-BC191);

(b) current, market-consistent estimates of the time value of money and financial risks, to the extent not included in the estimates of future cash flows (see paragraph BC192);

(c) the approach taken in respect of liquidity and own credit risk factors in determining the discount rate for a group of insurance contracts (see paragraphs BC193-BC197);

(d) disclosure of the yield curve (see paragraph BC198);

(e) reflecting dependence on underlying items in the discount rate (see paragraphs BC199-BC205); and

(f) subjectivity in determining discount rates (see paragraphs BC205A‒ BC205B).

Discounting for all insurance contracts (paragraphs 36 and B72 of IFRS 17)