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Version date: 26 February 2020 - onwards

Clarifications to IFRS 15 (amendments issued in April 2016) (paras. BC116A-BC116U)

Promised goods or services that are immaterial within the context of the contract

BC116A The TRG discussed an implementation question about whether an entity should identify items or activities as promised goods or services that were not identified as deliverables or components under previous revenue Standards. A specific concern was raised about the boards' decision (see paragraph BC90) not to exempt an entity from accounting for performance obligations that the entity might regard as being perfunctory or inconsequential. Some stakeholders held the view that IFRS 15 might require an entity to identify significantly more performance obligations than would have been the case under previous revenue Standards.

BC116B In response to stakeholders' concerns, the FASB decided to amend Topic 606 to state that an entity is not required to assess whether promised goods or services are performance obligations if they are immaterial within the context of the contract with the customer. The FASB decided to specify that an entity is required to consider whether a promised good or service is material only at the contract level because it would be unduly burdensome to require an entity to aggregate and determine the effect on its financial statements of those items or activities determined to be immaterial at the contract level. In addition, the FASB decided to specify that an entity is required to accrue the costs, if any, to transfer immaterial goods or services to the customer in instances in which the costs will be incurred after the satisfaction of the performance obligation (and recognition of revenue) to which those immaterial goods or services relate.