Information to be presented in the statement of financial position (paragraphs 54-55A) (paras. BC38A-BC38G)
BC38A Paragraph 54 of IAS 1 lists line items that are required to be presented in the statement of financial position. The Board has been informed that some have interpreted that list as prescriptive and that those line items cannot be disaggregated. There is also a perception by some that IFRS prevents them from presenting subtotals in addition to those specifically required by IFRS.
BC38B Paragraph 55 of IAS 1 requires an entity to present additional line items, headings and subtotals when their presentation is relevant to an understanding of the entity’s financial position. This highlights that the line items listed for presentation in paragraph 54 of IAS 1 should be disaggregated and that subtotals should be presented, when relevant. Paragraphs 78 and 98 of IAS 1 give examples of potential disaggregations of line items in the statement of financial position and the statement(s) of profit or loss and other comprehensive income.
BC38C Consequently, the Board:
(a) removed the wording ‘as a minimum’ from paragraph 54 of IAS 1 (see paragraph BC30D) to address the possible misconception that this wording prevents entities from aggregating the line items specified in paragraph 54 if those specified line items are immaterial; and