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Version date: 26 February 2020 - onwards

Summary of changes from the 2010 ED and 2005 ED: amendments issued in 2011 (paras. BC272-BC273)

BC272 The main changes from the 2010 ED are:

(a) The amendments do not specify where in profit or loss an entity should present the net interest component. The 2010 ED proposed that an entity should include the net interest component as part of finance cost in profit or loss.

(b) The amendments require gains and losses on settlement to be included in service cost. The 2010 ED proposed that gains and losses on settlement should be included in remeasurements.

(c) The amendments do not require the following disclosures proposed in the 2010 ED:

(i) the defined benefit obligation, excluding projected growth in salaries;

(ii) sensitivity of current service cost to changes in actuarial assumptions; and

(iii) a description of the process used to determine the demographic actuarial assumptions.

(d) The amendments align the timing of recognition for plan amendments, termination benefits and restructuring costs. The 2010 ED proposed aligning the timing of recognition for plan amendments and termination benefits only.

(e) The amendments do not:

(i) combine the post‑employment and other long‑term employee benefit categories, as had been proposed in the 2010 ED.