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Version date: 26 February 2020 - onwards
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Land related to agricultural activity (paras. B55-B57)

B55 The Standard does not establish any new principles for land related to agricultural activity. Rather, an entity follows IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment or IAS 40 Investment Property depending on which standard is appropriate in the circumstances. IAS 16 requires land to be measured either at its cost less any accumulated impairment losses, or at a revalued amount. IAS 40 requires land that is investment property to be measured at its fair value, or cost less any accumulated impairment losses.

B56 Some argue that land attached to biological assets related to agricultural activity should also be measured at its fair value. They argue that fair value measurement of land results in consistency of measurement with the fair value measurement of biological assets. They also argue that it is sometimes difficult to measure the fair value of such biological assets separately from the land since an active market often exists for the combined assets (that is, land and biological assets; f

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