Date-stamp loading
Version date: 6 January 2020 - onwards

3.15 Price and value fields

Q32. Please indicate how frequently is a haircut, margin or any other type of discount/add-on, applied to the loan side of SLB?

Q33. Do you agree with the proposed approach? Please detail the reasons for your response.

Q34. Do you agree with the proposed approach? Please detail the reasons for your response.

256. This section covers the feedback to the reporting fields that concern price, currency and valuation of the collateral or loan side of the trades. Various problems might arise due to a different understanding or source, leading to possible reconciliation issues.

257. ESMA proposed in the CP to include any margin, add-on or discount that might apply to the security on the loan side of the trade in the "Security or commodity price" (Field 2.49) of SLB.

258. ESMA also set out a proposal for the calculation of "Loan value" (Field 2.56), and a general approach for the reporting of "Market value" (Field 2.57). The latter may be based for valuation purposes on a currency that differs

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