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Bills of Exchange Act 1882 (c. 61)
Introductory Text
Part I Preliminary (ss. 1-2)
1. Short title
2. Interpretation of terms
Part II Bills of Exchange (ss. 3-72)
Form and Interpretation (ss. 3-21)
3. Bill of exchange defined
4. Inland and foreign bills
5. Effect where different parties to bill are the same person
6. Address to drawee
7. Certainty required as to payee
8. What bills are negotiable
9. Sum payable
10. Bill payable on demand
11. Bill payable at a future time
12. Omission of date in bill payable after date
13. Ante-dating and post-dating
14. Computation of time of payment
15. Case of need
16. Optional stipulations by drawer or indorser
17. Definition and requisites of acceptance
18. Time for acceptance
19. General and qualified acceptances
20. Inchoate instruments
21. Delivery
Capacity and Authority of Parties (ss. 22-26)
22. Capacity of parties
23. Signature essential to liability
24. Forged or unauthorised signature
25. Procuration signatures
26. Person signing as agent or in representative capacity
The Consideration for a Bill (ss. 27-30)
27. Value and holder for value
28. Accommodation bill or party
29. Holder in due course
30. Presumption of value and good faith
Negotiation of Bills (ss. 31-38)
31. Negotiation of bill
32. Requisites of a valid indorsement
33. Conditional indorsement
34. Indorsement in blank and special indorsement
35. Restrictive indorsement
36. Negotiation of overdue or dishonoured bill
37. Negotiation of bill to party already liable thereon
38. Rights of the holder
General Duties of the Holder (ss. 39-52)
39. When presentment for acceptance is necessary
40. Time for presenting bill payable after sight
41. Rules as to presentment for acceptance, and excuses for non-presentment
42. Non-acceptance
43. Dishonour by non-acceptance and its consequences
44. Duties as to qualified acceptances
45. Rules as to presentment for payment
45A. Additional rules as to presentment of cheques and other documents
46. Excuses for delay or non-presentment for payment
47. Dishonour by nonpayment
48. Notice of dishonour and effect of non-notice
49. Rules as to notice of dishonour
50. Excuses for non-notice and delay
51. Noting or protest of bill
52. Duties of holder as regards drawee or acceptor
Liabilities of Parties (ss. 53-58)
53. Funds in hands of drawee
54. Liability of acceptor
55. Liability of drawer or indorser
56. Stranger signing bill liable as indorser
57. Measure of damages against parties to dishonoured bill
58. Transferor by delivery and transferee
Discharge of Bill (ss. 59-64)
59. Payment in due course
60. Banker paying demand draft whereon indorsement is forged
61. Acceptor the holder at maturity
62. Express waiver
63. Cancellation
64. Alteration of bill
Acceptance and Payment for Honour (ss. 65-68)
65. Acceptance for honour supra protest
66. Liability of acceptor for honour
67. Presentment to acceptor for honour
68. Payment for honour suprà protest
Lost Instruments (ss. 69-70)
69. Holder's right to duplicate of lost bill
70. Action on lost bill
Bill in a Set (s. 71)
71. Rules as to sets
Conflict of Laws (s. 72)
72. Rules where laws conflict
Part III Cheques on a Banker (ss. 73-82)
73. Cheque defined
74. Presentment of cheque for payment
75. Revocation of banker's authority
Crossed Cheques (ss. 76-82)
76. General and special crossings defined
77. Crossing by drawer or after issue
78. Crossing a material part of cheque
79. Duties of banker as to crossed cheques
80. Protection to banker and drawer where cheque is crossed
81. Effect of crossing on holder
82. Protection to collecting banker
Part IV Promissory Notes (ss. 83-89)
83. Promissory note defined
84. Delivery necessary
85. Joint and several notes
86. Note payable on demand
87. Presentment of note for payment
88. Liability of maker
89. Application of Part II to notes
Part V Supplementary (ss. 90-100)
90. Good faith
91. Signature
92. Computation of time
93. When noting equivalent to protest
94. Protest when notary not accessible
95. Dividend warrants may be crossed
96. Repeal
97. Savings
98. Saving of summary diligence in Scotland
99. Construction with other Acts, &c.
100. Parole evidence allowed in certain judicial proceedings in Scotland
First Schedule
Second Schedule - Enactments repealed
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Bills of Exchange Act 1882 (c. 61)
Part I Preliminary (ss. 1-2)
Part I Preliminary (ss. 1-2)
1. Short title
2. Interpretation of terms
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