III. AML/CFT in a group-wide and cross-border context (paras. 63-83)
63. Sound ML/FT risk management where a bank operates in other jurisdictions entails consideration of host country legal requirements. Given the risks, each group should develop group-wide AML/CFT policies and procedures consistently applied and supervised across the group. In turn, policies and procedures at the branch or subsidiary levels, even though reflecting local business considerations and the requirements of the host jurisdiction, must still be consistent with and supportive of the group's broader policies and procedures. [The term "group" is used in this paper to refer to an organisation's one or more banks, and the branches and subsidiaries of those banks. The term "head office" is used in this paper to refer also to the parent bank or to the unit in which AML/CFT risk management is performed on a business line basis.] In cases where the host jurisdiction requirements are stricter than the group's, group policy should allow the relevant branch or subsidiary to adopt and implement the host jurisdiction local requirements.