Each Issuer must from Admission maintain a website on which the following information should be available, free of charge:
(a) a description of its business and, where it is an Investing Company, its Investing Policy and details of any Investment Manager and/or key personnel;
(b) the names of its Directors and brief biographical details of each, as would normally be included in an Information Document;
(c) a description of the responsibilities of the members of the board of Directors and details of any committees of the board of Directors and their responsibilities;
(d) its country of incorporation and main country of operation;
(e) where Issuer is not incorporated in Ireland, a statement that the rights of Shareholders may be different from the rights of Shareholders in an Irish incorporated company;
(f) its current constitutional documents (e.g. its articles of association);
(g) details of any other exchange or trading platforms on which the Issuer has applied or agreed to have any o