Annex - SS32/15 updates
This annex details the changes that have been made to this SS following its initial publication in July 2015 following Policy Statement 17/15 'Assessing capital adequacy under Pillar 2'.
8 November 2021
Following publication of Policy Statement 25/21 'Responses to CP13/21 'Occasional Consultation Paper', this SS was updated to reflect amendments to the reporting requirements and instructions for data item FSA081, to reflect new asset and longevity entries and formatting improvements. The effective date for this data items and instructions is Wednesday 1 December 2021.
5 December 2018
Following publication of Policy Statement 30/18 'Regulatory Reporting: Responses to CP16/18', this Supervisory Statement (SS) was updated to reflect amendments to the reporting requirements for data items FSA071, FSA076-079 and FSA081-082, and to the instructions for FSA071-FSA082, to reflect their application to ring-fenced bodies. The effective date for these data items and instructions is 1 January 2019.