1. After identification of all the risk drivers of a transaction in accordance with Article 1 and where the cash flows of the transaction depend on more than one risk driver, institutions shall identify the material risk drivers and the most material of those risk drivers by applying one of the methods laid down in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4, as appropriate.
2. Institutions shall apply the following steps at inception of the transaction:
(a) they shall consider all the risk drivers of the transaction identified in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 1 to be material risk drivers;
(b) for each risk category corresponding to those material risk drivers, they shall identify as the most material risk driver the risk driver corresponding to the highest risk category add-on from those referred to in Articles 280a to 280f of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013.
3. Institutions shall apply the following steps at inception of the transaction, and then at least on a quarterly basis:
(a) they