Regulation 4 Increased rates of benefits and pensions under the occupational injuries scheme.
The Principal Regulations are amended by -
(a) the substitution for Schedule 1 thereto by the Schedule set out in Schedule A to these regulations, and
(b) the substitution for Schedule 3 by the Schedule set out in Schedule B to these regulations, subject in respect of the Scale set out in the said Schedule B, to the following provisions -
(i) the rates of pension specified in column (3) of the Scale shall have effect on and from 2 January 2009 whether the period taken into account by the assessment began on, before, or after that date, and,
(ii) the amounts of gratuity specified in column (2) of the Scale shall be payable only where the period taken into account by the assessment of the degree of disablement began on or after 29 December 2008.