Regulation 12 Special administration objectives
(1) The administrator has the following special administration objectives.
(2) Objective 1 is to ensure the return of relevant funds -
(a) as soon as is reasonably practicable in accordance with regulations 13 to 15 and 17 to 34, or
(b) promptly, in the case of post-administration receipts, in accordance with regulation 16, subject to paragraph (10).
(3) Objective 2 is to ensure timely engagement with payment system operators, the Payment Systems Regulator and the Authorities in accordance with regulation 35.
(4) Objective 3 is to either -
(a) rescue the institution as a going concern, or
(b) wind it up in the best interests of the creditors.
(5) The order in which Objectives 1 to 3 are listed in this regulation is not significant.
(6) The administrator is entitled to deal with and return relevant funds in whatever order the administrator thinks best achieves Objective 1.