1 Overview
1.1 This Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) Policy Statement (PS) provides the final PRA Rulebook instruments, Statements of Policy (SoPs), Supervisory Statements (SSs), and reporting templates and instructions, which were published as near-final in PS17/21 ‘Implementation of Basel standards’. [July 2021: PS17/21 ‘Implementation of Basel standards’.] These documents are set out in the appendices to this PS.
1.2 It also contains the analysis supporting the PRA’s final policy material. More information on this is provided in the appendices.
1.3 This PS is relevant to UK banks, building societies, and PRA-designated investment firms (collectively ‘firms’), as well as UK financial holding companies and UK mixed financial holding companies of certain PRA-authorised firms.
1.4 In PS17/21, the PRA set out its feedback to responses and the resulting near-final policy following CP5/21 ‘Implementation of Basel standards’, published in February 2021. [February 2021: CP5/21 ‘Implementation of Basel standards’.]