4.1 Requirements that apply to the final downturn LGD estimates
16. For the purpose of ensuring that the resulting downturn LGDs are used if they are more conservative than the according long-run average LGDs in line with Article 181(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, institutions should apply the following:
(a) where institutions use separate estimation methodologies for long-run average LGD and downturn LGD, compare their final downturn LGDs used for calibration plus the according final MoC as set out in paragraph 45 of the [EBA GL on PD and LGD estimation], to their long-run average LGDs plus the according final MoC as set out in paragraph 45 of the [EBA GL on PD and LGD estimation] at the level where the long-run average LGD is calculated for the purpose of calibrating LGD in accordance with paragraph 161 of the [EBA GL on PD and LGD estimation];