5. The EBA's assessment of the key drivers, the scale and impact of de-risking
49. On the basis of the input provided in the context of the Call for Input and of additional sources of information [FATF clarifies risk-based approach: case-by-case, not wholesale de-risking, October 2014; FATF, Drivers for "de-risking" go beyond AML/CFT, 2015; FATF, Mitigating the Unintended Consequences of the FATF Standards, 2021; John Howell & Co. Ltd, Drivers & Impacts of Derisking, a study for the Financial Conduct Authority, 2016; CoE, MONEYVAL Report on 'De-risking within Moneyval states and territories', 2015; Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Guidelines on Sound management of risks related to money laundering and financing of terrorism, 2014 (updated in 2020); World Bank report, The Decline in Access to Correspondent Banking Services in Emerging Markets: Trends, Impacts and Solutions, 2018.], the EBA conducted its own assessment of the drivers of de-risking in the EU and the impact de-risking has on the stability and effectiveness of the EU's financial system, and on the effectiveness of the fight against financial crime.
5.1. The EBA's assessment of the key drivers of de-risking