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Version status: Entered into force | Document consolidation status: No known changes
Published date: 27 December 2022

Directive (EU) 2022/2557 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2022 on the resilience of critical entities and repealing Council Directive 2008/114/EC (Text with EEA relevance) (Critical Entities Resilience Directive (CER Directive))

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Chapter I General Provisions (arts. 1-3)
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Article 1 Subject matter and scope
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Article 2 Definitions
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Article 3 Minimum harmonisation
Chapter II National Frameworks on the Resilience of Critical Entities(arts. 4-11)
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Article 4 Strategy on the resilience of critical entities
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Article 5 Risk assessment by Member States
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Article 6 Identification of critical entities
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Article 7 Significant disruptive effect
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Article 8 Critical entities in the banking, financial market infrastructure and digital infrastructure sectors
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Article 9 Competent authorities and single point of contact
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Article 10 Member States' support to critical entities
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Article 11 Cooperation between Member States
Chapter III Resilience of Critical Entities (arts. 12-16)
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Article 12 Risk assessment by critical entities
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Article 13 Resilience measures of critical entities
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Article 14 Background checks
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Article 15 Incident notification
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Article 16 Standards
Chapter IV Critical Entities of Particular European Significance(arts. 17-18)
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Article 17 Identification of critical entities of particular European significance
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Article 18 Advisory missions
Chapter V Cooperation and Reporting (arts. 19-20)
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Article 19 Critical Entities Resilience Group
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Article 20 Commission support to competent authorities and critical entities
Chapter VI Supervision and Enforcement (arts. 21-22)
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Article 21 Supervision and enforcement
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Article 22 Penalties
Chapter VII Delegated and Implementing Acts (arts. 23-24)
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Article 23 Exercise of the delegation
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Article 24 Committee procedure
Chapter VIII Final Provisions (arts. 25-29)
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Article 25 Reporting and review
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Article 26 Transposition
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Article 27 Repeal of Directive 2008/114/EC
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Article 28 Entry into force
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Article 29 Addressees
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Annex - Sectors, Subsectors and Categories of Entities
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