2. Legal Basis, Subsidiarity and Proportionality
• Legal basis
The proposal amends an existing regulation, the SRMR, in particular as regards the improved application of the tools that are already available in the bank resolution framework, clarifying the conditions for resolution, facilitating access to safety nets the event of bank failure and improving the clarity and consistency of funding rules. By establishing harmonised requirements for applying the CMDI framework to banks in the Member States participating in the SRM, the proposal considerably reduces the risk of divergent national rules in those Member States, which could distort competition in the internal market.
Consequently, the legal basis for the proposal is the same as the legal basis of the original legislative act, namely Article 114 TFEU. That provision allows for measures to be adopted for the approximation of national provisions which have as their objective the establishment and functioning of the internal market.
• Subsidiarity (for non-exclusive competence)
The legal basis falls within the internal market area, which is considered a shared competence, as defined by Article 4 TFEU. Most of the actions considered represent updates and amendments to existing EU law, and as such, they concern areas where the EU has already exercised its competence and does not intend to cease exercising such competence.