Article 6 Other changes in the operation of the installation
1. Where an operator demonstrates, based on the data submitted in the activity level report and any additional data requested by the regulator, that the decrease of the activity level of a sub-installation for which the amount of free allocation has been determined based on a heat or fuel benchmark is not related to a change of production levels of the sub-installation, but due to the increased energy efficiency of that sub-installation in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article, compared to the one based on the baseline data or the new entrant data report, by more than 15 %, no adjustment of free allocation shall be made.
2. Where an operator fails to demonstrate, upon request of the regulator, based on the data submitted in the activity level report and any additional data requested by the regulator, that the increase of the activity level of a sub-installation for which the amount of free allocation has been determined based on a heat or fuel benchmark is related to a change of production levels of the sub-installation and not due to the decrease of the energy efficiency of that sub-installation in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article, compared to the one based on the baseline data or the new entrant data report, by more than 15 %, the regulator may reject adjustment of free allocation.