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Published date: 18 October 2023

Eurosystem proceeds to next phase of digital euro project

  • Governing Council to start digital euro preparation phase following conclusion of two-year investigation phase on design and distribution of a digital euro

  • Preparation phase will lay foundations for a potential digital euro, with work to include finalising rulebook and selecting providers to develop platform and infrastructure

  • Preparation phase will pave way for potential future decision on issuing a digital euro

The Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) decided today to move to the next phase of the digital euro project: the preparation phase.

This decision follows the completion of the investigation phase launched by the Eurosystem in October 2021 to explore possible design and distribution models for a digital euro. Based on the findings from this phase, detailed in a report published today, the ECB has designed a digital euro that would be widely accessible to citizens and businesses through distribution by supervised intermediaries, such as banks.

The design