Advanced standardised approach (paras. 3.17-3.30)
3.17 The PRA proposed to introduce the Basel 3.1 standards' ASA. The ASA capital requirements are calculated as the sum of three elements:
• the Sensitivities-based Method (SbM);
• the residual risk add-on (RRAO); and
• the default risk charge (DRC).
The PRA proposed several targeted adjustments to reflect the UK market. These included:
• an additional calculation approach for positions in CIUs;
• an adjustment to the treatment of exposures to carbon emissions trading schemes; and
• clarification of the calculation of gross jump-to-default in the DRC.
3.18 The PRA received eleven responses to the ASA proposals. Respondents were generally supportive of the package. The substantive comments received related to CIU calculations, the treatment of commodity exposures and technical aspects of the RRAO.
Treatment of collective investment undertakings
3.19 Under the PRA's proposals for the treatment of CIUs, ASA capital requirements could be calculated using one of four approaches:
• the look-through approach (LTA), under which firms, if they know the exact holdings of the CIU, would 'look through' to the underlying positions and treat them as if those positions were on the firm's own balance sheet;