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Version date: 29 February 2024 - onwards

Narrative reporting on home state resolution arrangements (paras. 3.44-3.47)

3.44 In CP12/23 the PRA proposed transferring the existing expectations for TCBs to submit information on their home state resolution arrangements from the RSR to a standalone narrative report.

3.45 Eight respondents commented on the proposed resolution report. Three respondents supported the PRA's proposals but sought clarity on whether the RSR will be deleted for Third Country Branches. Five respondents sought clarifications from the PRA on the content of the resolution report. Two respondents requested the PRA provide a numerical example illustrating how firms should meet the proposals, and one respondent questioned whether the provisions 3.4A and 3.4B within SS 44/15 are necessary for all jurisdictions. One respondent did not support the proposals, noting that a resolution regime focused narrative report is not a suitable substitute for the TCB RSR.

3.46 TCBs are already expected to report on their home state resolution arrangements in accordance guidance set out in the EIOPA Branc

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