95. The undertaking shall disclose the percentage gap in pay between its female and male employees and the ratio between the remuneration of its highest paid individual and the median remuneration for its employees.
96. The objective of this Disclosure Requirement is twofold: to allow an understanding of the extent of any gap in the pay between women and men amongst the undertaking's employees; and to provide insight into the level of remuneration inequality inside the undertaking and whether wide pay disparities exist.
97. The disclosure required by paragraph 95 shall include:
(a) the gender pay gap, defined as the difference of average pay levels between female and male employees, expressed as percentage of the average pay level of male employees [This information supports the information needs of: financial market participants subject to Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 because it is derived from a mandatory indicator related to principal adverse impacts as set out by indicator #12 in Tabl