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Version date: 6 June 2024 - onwards
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Annex - SS7/18 updates

This annex details the changes that have been made to this SS following its initial publication in July 2018:


June 2024

This SS has been updated to reflect the PRA's final policy on Solvency II MA reforms. This is set out in Policy Statement (PS) 10/24 - Review of Solvency II: Reform of the Matching Adjustment. In addition:

Appendix 2 (‘Mapping table for Directors’ letters included in the SS‘) has been deleted.

References to legislation and PRA rules in several paragraphs and footnotes have been updated where necessary.

Some minor typographical corrections (including minor rewordings for greater clarity) have been made throughout the SS.

Paragraphs 5.17 to 5.41 are all new relative to the July 2018 version of this SS. However, some of the paragraphs that were introduced in response to Consultation Paper (CP) 19/23 - Review of Solvency II: Reform of the Matching Adjustment have been deliberately labelled with a combination of numbers and a letter (eg 5.22A).


Comparing proposed amendment...