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Version date: 6 June 2024 - onwards

Changes to draft policy that impact the CBA (paras. 10.5-10.7)

10.5 Having considered the responses received to CP19/23, the PRA has made a number of policy changes, as described elsewhere in this PS. The PRA considers that the following changes to policy relative to that in CP19/23 reduce the burden on firms and/or give rise to additional benefits:

- simplifications to the analysis process expected for corporate bonds within the MA attestation requirements;

- revised calibration for Matching Tests 4 and 5 applicable to assets with HP cash flows;

- the expansion of MA liability eligibility criteria to include in-payment GDAs;

- the commitment by the PRA to monitor and publish regular reports on the MA framework covering application review timelines and decision rates;

- changes to the MALIR template to improve the consistency and usability of the data including removal of cashflow projections beyond 50 years, changes to asset type definitions and greater alignment with the QRTs; and

- other simplifications and clarifications to assist with complet

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