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Version status: Entered into force | Document consolidation status: No known changes
Version date: 1 August 2024 - 1 August 2026
  Version 2 of 3  

Article 76 Supervision of testing in real world conditions by market surveillance authorities

1. Market surveillance authorities shall have competences and powers to ensure that testing in real world conditions is in accordance with this Regulation.

2. Where testing in real world conditions is conducted for AI systems that are supervised within an AI regulatory sandbox under Article 58, the market surveillance authorities shall verify the compliance with Article 60 as part of their supervisory role for the AI regulatory sandbox. Those authorities may, as appropriate, allow the testing in real world conditions to be conducted by the provider or prospective provider, in derogation from the conditions set out in Article 60(4), points (f) and (g).

3. Where a market surveillance authority has been informed by the prospective provider, the provider or any third party of a serious incident or has other grounds for considering that the conditions set out in Articles 60 and 61 are not met, it may take either of the following decisions on its territory, as appropriate:

(a) to suspend or

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