8: Reporting (paras. 8.1-8.59)
8.1 This chapter provides feedback to responses to chapter 12 of consultation paper (CP) 16/22 - Implementation of the Basel 3.1 standards, which set out proposals for how firms would report on the proposed framework for the calculation of Pillar 1 risk-weighted assets (RWAs) to the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA). This chapter also sets out the PRA's near-final policy on reporting following the consultation.
8.2 In CP16/22, the PRA proposed to amend existing and introduce new reporting requirements, as well as delete redundant reporting in order to align reporting with the revised approaches to RWA calculation under the Basel 3.1 standards. CP16/22 proposed to:
- revise existing common reporting (COREP) templates and instructions on own funds, and own funds' requirements to reflect the CP proposals;
- delete certain COREP templates that would become obsolete under the CP proposals;
- introduce new COREP templates to reflect the proposed new Pillar 1 RWA calculations, and proposed internal model use conditions;
- delete the FSA005 Market risk template to reflect the proposed discontinuation of the 'risks not in value-at-risk' (RNIV) methodology for the calculation of market risk; and
- revise the Capital+ templates and instructions to reflect the CP proposals.