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Published date: 8 October 2024

IOSCO Chair speaks on ISSB standards adoption

Jean-Paul Servais, the Chair of the Board of the International Or­ga­ni­za­tion of Se­cu­ri­ties Com­mis­sions (IOSCO) has given a speech, in which he touched on the adoption of ISSB standards around the world.

In his speech, he stated that IOSCO is now focusing on providing technical as­sis­tance and guidance to help reg­u­la­tors un­der­stand how they can integrate the ISSB standards into their own frame­works with ap­pro­pri­ate alignment. In his view, this is critical to min­imis­ing frag­men­ta­tion.

He added:

We are co­or­di­nat­ing this enhanced level of as­sis­tance across our members through IOSCO’s Growth and Emerging Markets Committee - our largest Committee - taking into account the varying needs of its wide mem­ber­ship. Through these efforts, I am in­creas­ingly confident that around 130,000 companies will even­tu­ally be releasing non-fi­nan­cial dis­clo­sures in one form or another using the ISSB framework.

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