29. Amendment of section 986 of Principal Act (regulations)
Section 986 of the Principal Act is amended by the insertion of the following subsection after subsection (4):
(a) In this subsection-
'Disabled Drivers Medical Board of Appeal', 'medical practitioner' and 'member' have the same meaning respectively as they have in section 195E;
'locum' means a medical practitioner who has been engaged by a member to perform, in place of the member, on the days on which the member is attending a meeting of the Disabled Drivers Medical Board of Appeal, the functions performed by the member in the normal course of the member's practice as a medical practitioner;
'locum cover payment' means a payment made by or on behalf of the Minister for Finance to a member for the purpose of contributing to the costs incurred by the member where that member has engaged a locum.
(b) This Chapter shall not apply to a locum cover payment made on or after 1 November 2023 to a member.".