Article 7 Important products with digital elements
1. Products with digital elements which have the core functionality of a product category set out in Annex III shall be considered to be important products with digital elements and shall be subject to the conformity assessment procedures referred to in Article 32(2) and (3). The integration of a product with digital elements which has the core functionality of a product category set out in Annex III shall not in itself render the product in which it is integrated subject to the conformity assessment procedures referred to in Article 32(2) and (3).
2. The categories of products with digital elements referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, divided into classes I and II as set out in Annex III, meet at least one of the following criteria:
(a) the product with digital elements primarily performs functions critical to the cybersecurity of other products, networks or services, including securing authentication and access, intrusion prevention and detection, end-point security or network protection;
(b) the product with digital elements performs a function which carries a significant risk of adverse effects in terms of its intensity and ability to disrupt, control or cause damage to a large number of other products or to the health, security or safety of its users through direct manipulation, such as a central system function, including network management, configuration control, virtualisation or processing of personal data.