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Version status: | Document consolidation status: No known changes
Version date: 24 January 2012 - onwards

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Instrument and does not purport to be a legal interpretation.)

This Order gives the force of law to the Tax Information Exchange Agreement between Ireland and the Republic of Vanuatu, which is set out in the Schedule to the Order.

This Agreement was signed on the 31st May 2011.

The provisions of the Agreement are summarised below.

The Tax Information Exchange Agreement (TIEA) is based on a model agreement that was developed by the OECD. The Agreement allows the tax authorities of Ireland and the Republic of Vanuatu to request information from each other in relation to tax matters under investigation, in particular, for bank account information and for information concerning the beneficial ownership of companies, trusts and partnerships. The taxes covered are all taxes imposed or administered by either Contracting Party.

There are also provisions in the Agreement that allow each Party to carry out tax investigations in the territory of the other Party, that allow for the possibility of declining a request, that cover confidentiality and that deal with which Party should bear the costs incurred in relation to exchanging information under the Agreement. There are also provisions that allow the Competent Authorities of both Parties to resolve difficulties concerning the interpretation or application of the Agreement.

The Agreement will enter into force when each country notifies the other of the completion of its procedures for bringing the Agreement into force. The Agreement will be effective for criminal tax matters from that date and for all other matters covered by the Agreement from that date also but only in respect of taxable periods beginning on or after that date.