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Published date: 28 August 2024

Fraud Barometer - The latest fraud trends and patterns affecting the UK economy

Uptick in money laundering cases reaching courts marks positive milestone in battle against illicit finance

  • Total volume of alleged fraud cases over £100k in the first half of the year reached 122.

  • Compared to the same period in 2023, the total value of fraud was down 14%.

New figures published today from KPMG UK’s mid-year Fraud Barometer show that money laundering has been the most common fraud type by value in the last six months. Nine cases have been heard in UK Crown Courts collectively worth £128.2 million so far this year. With the UK regularly cited as a hub for illicit finance, it is positive that more suspected perpetrators of this crime are appearing to be prosecuted.

The research, which records alleged fraud cases with a value of £100k and above heard in UK Crown Courts, has revealed 122 fraud cases in total were heard in the first six months of the year. This is up from 105 cases during the same period in 2023. By contrast, fraud value was just over £305 millio