Date-stamp loading
Version status: Inserted | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 28 June 2021 - 31 December 2024
    Version 1 of 2  

Article 429g Calculation of the exposure value of regular-way purchases and sales awaiting settlement

1. Institutions shall treat cash related to regular-way sales and securities related to regular-way purchases which remain on the balance sheet until the settlement date as assets in accordance with point (a) of Article 429(4).

2. Institutions that, in accordance with the applicable accounting framework, apply trade date accounting to regular-way purchases and sales which are awaiting settlement shall reverse out any offsetting between cash receivables for regular-way sales awaiting settlement and cash payables for regular-way purchase awaiting settlement allowed under that framework. After institutions have reversed out the accounting offsetting, they may offset between those cash receivables and cash payables where both the related regular-way sales and purchases are settled on a delivery-versus-payment basis.

3. Institutions that, in accordance with the applicable accounting framework, apply settlement date accounting to regular-way purchases and sales which are awaiting settlement

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