machinery-related goods
means any thing falling within Part 2 of Schedule 2I, other than -
(a) any thing which is machinery-related technology, or
(b) any thing for the time being specified in -
(i) Schedule 2 or 3 to the Export Control Order 2008 [S.I. 2008/3231. Schedule 2 was substituted by S.I. 2017/85 and Schedule 3 was substituted by S.I. 2010/2007. Subsequent amendments to those Schedules were made by S.I. 2012/1910; S.I. 2014/1069; S.I. 2015/940; S.I. 2017/85; S.I 2017/697; S.I. 2018/165; S.I. 2018/939; S.I. 2019/137; S.I. 2019/989; S.I. 2019/1159; S.I. 2020/1502; S.I. 2021/586; S.I. 2022/1042 and S.I. 2023/302. There are other instruments which amend other parts of the Order, which are not relevant to these Regulations.],
(ii) Annex I of the Dual-Use Regulation [See regulation 2 of the Republic of Belarus (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 for the definition of "the Dual-Use Regulation".], or
(iii) Schedule 2C (critical-industry goods and critical-industry technology)
Definitions used on this page
the Dual-Use Regulation
means Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items
machinery-related technology
means any thing described in Part 2 of Schedule 2I as software or technology, other than any thing for the time being specified in -
(a) Schedule 3 to the Export Control Order 2008,
(b) Annex I of the Dual-Use Regulation, or