Table of Contents
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment No. 3) Order 2006 [SI 2006 No. 3384]Introductory TextPart 1 General (art. 1)Article 1 Citation, commencement and interpretationPart 2 Amendments of the principal Order (arts. 2-30)Amendments of the principal Order (arts. 2-30)Article 2Article 3Article 4Article 5Article 6Article 7Article 8Article 9Article 10Article 11Article 12Article 13Article 14Article 15Article 16Article 17Article 18Article 19Article 20Article 21Article 22Article 23Article 24Article 25Article 26Article 27Article 28Article 29Article 30Part 3 Consequential amendments of primary legislation (arts. 31-33)Article 31 Amendment of the Fair Trading Act 1973Article 32 Amendment of the Companies Act 1989Article 33 Amendment of the Terrorism Act 2000Part 4 Consequential amendments of secondary legislation (arts. 34-40)Article 34 Amendment of the Consumer Protection (Cancellation of Contracts Concluded away from Business Premises) Regulations 1987Article 35 Amendment of the Companies (No. 2) (Northern Ireland) Order 1990Article 36 Amendment of the Collective Investment Schemes OrderArticle 37 Amendment of the Carrying on Regulated Activities by Way of Business OrderArticle 38 Amendment of the Consultation with Competent Authorities RegulationsArticle 39 Amendment of the Money Laundering RegulationsArticle 40 Amendment of the Financial Promotion OrderSignatureExplanatory NoteExplanatory Memorandum
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Published date: 18 December 2006