Table of Contents
Directive 2005/60/EC - Third Money Laundering Directive (MLD3)RecitalsChapter I Subject matter, scope and definitions (arts. 1-5)Article 1Article 2Article 3Article 4Article 5Chapter II Customer due diligence (arts. 6-19)Section 1 General provisions (arts. 6-10)Article 6Article 7Article 8Article 9Article 10Section 2 Simplified customer due diligence (arts. 11-12)Article 11Article 12Section 3 Enhanced customer due diligence (art. 13)Article 13Section 4 Performance by third parties (arts. 14-19)Article 14Article 15Article 16Article 17Article 18Article 19Chapter III Reporting obligations (arts. 20-29)Section 1 General provisions (arts. 20-27)Article 20Article 21Article 22Article 23Article 24Article 25Article 26Article 27Section 2 Prohibition of disclosure (arts. 28-29)Article 28Article 29Chapter IV Record keeping and statistical data (arts. 30-33)Article 30Article 31Article 32Article 33Chapter V Enforcement measures (arts. 34-39)Section 1 Internal procedures, training and feedback (arts. 34-35)Article 34Article 35Section 2 Supervision (arts. 36-37)Article 36Article 37Article 37aSection 3 Cooperation (art. 38)Article 38Section 4 Penalties (art. 39)Article 39Chapter VI Implementing measures (arts. 40-41)Article 40Article 41Article 41a Revocation of the delegationArticle 41b Objections to delegated actsChapter VII Final provisions (arts. 42-47)Article 42Article 43Article 44Article 45Article 46Article 47Annex - Correlation tableDone at
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Published date: 25 November 2005