47. Payments from Fund to Exchequer
(1) Subject to subsection (2E), the Agency shall transfer to -
(a) the Exchequer, or
(b) the Future Ireland Fund,
from the Fund such assets of such values, on such dates, as the Minister may direct.
(2) The Minister shall not direct the Agency to transfer any assets to the Exchequer or the Future Ireland Fund from the Fund before 2035 (other than under subsection (4)).
(2A) The Agency shall, on or before 31 July 2034 and on or before 31 July in each subsequent year, advise the Minister, by a report in writing, as to an appropriate value of assets, if any, that the Agency believes is reasonably likely to be available to be transferred from the Fund pursuant to subsection (1) in the year subsequent to the report and in each of the 4 years thereafter.
(2B) The Agency shall, in preparing a report under subsection (2A) -