Article 32
Article 27, item 6 (vertical layout)
Article 28, item A3 or item B4 (horizontal layout)
Net profit or net loss on financial operations.
This item covers:
1. the net profit or loss on transactions in securities which are not held as financial fixed assets together with value adjustments and value re-adjustments on such securities, taking into account, where Article 36(2) has been applied, the difference resulting from application of that Article; however, in those Member States which exercise the option provided for in Article 37, these net profits or losses and value adjustments and value re-adjustments shall be included only in so far as they relate to securities included in a trading portfolio;
2. the net profit or loss on exchange activities, without prejudice to Article 29, point 3;
3. the net profits and losses on other buying and selling operations involving financial instruments, including precious metals.