Article 34
Article 27, items 13 and 14 (vertical layout)
Article 28, items A8 and B5 (horizontal layout)
Value adjustments in respect of transferable securities held as financial fixed assets, participating interests and shares in affiliated undertakings
Value re-adjustments in respect of transferable securities held as financial fixed assets, participating interests and shares in affiliated undertakings.
1. These items shall include, on the one hand, charges for value adjustments in respect of assets shown in Assets items 5 to 8 and, on the other hand, all the amounts written back following earlier value adjustments, in so far as the charges and income relate to transferable securities held as financial fixed assets as defined in Article 35(2), participating interests and shares in affiliated undertakings.
2. The Member States may permit the charges and income covered by these items to be set off against each other, so that only a net item (income or charge) is shown.
3. Value adjustments in respect of these transferable securities, participating interests and shares in affiliated undertakings shall be shown separately in the notes on the accounts where they are material. This provision need not be applied if a Member State permits setting off pursuant to paragraph 2.