4.1. The issuer's principal activities.
4.1.0. Description of the issuer's principal activities, stating the main categories of products sold and/or services performed.
Indication of any significant new products and/or activities.
4.1.1. Net turnover during the past two financial years.
4.1.2. Location and size of the issuer's principal establishments and summary information about real estate owned. Any establishment which accounts for more than 10 % of turnover or production shall be considered a principal establishment.
4.1.3. For mining, extraction of hydrocarbons, quarrying and similar activities insofar as significant, description of deposits, estimate of economically exploitable reserves and expected period of working.
Indication of the periods and main terms of concessions and the economic conditions for working them.
Indication of the progress of actual working.
4.1.4. Where the information given pursuant to headings 4.1.0 to 4.1.3 has been influenced by exceptional factor