Article 16 Segregation obligation
1. Where safekeeping functions have been delegated wholly or partly to a third party, a depositary shall ensure that the third party to whom safekeeping functions are delegated pursuant to Article 22a of Directive 2009/65/EC acts in accordance with the segregation obligation laid down in point (c) of Article 22a(3) of that Directive by ensuring and verifying that the third party:
(a) correctly records all identified financial instruments in the financial instruments account, which is opened in the third party's books, in order to hold in custody the financial instruments for the depositary's clients, which excludes proprietary financial instruments of the depositary and of the third party and of the third party's other clients, to enable the depositary to match the quantity of the identified financial instruments recorded in the accounts opened in the depositary's books in the name of each of its UCITS clients or in the name of the management company acting on behalf of the UCITS;
(b) keeps all necessary records and financial instruments accounts to enable the depositary at any time and without delay to distinguish assets of the depositary's clients from the third party own assets, assets of the third party's other clients and assets held for the depositary for its own account;
(c) maintains records and financial securities accounts in a way that ensures their accuracy, and in particular their correspondence to the assets kept safe for the depositary's UCITS clients and on the basis of which the depositary can at any time establish the precise nature, location and ownership status of those assets;