Article 3 Information to be submitted by resolution authorities
1. For each reporting period specified in Article 4 of this Regulation, resolution authorities shall submit to the EBA the following information on the application of simplified obligations in relation to the contents and details of resolution plans and the date by which the first resolution plans are to be drawn up and the frequency for updating the plans:
(a) the number and total assets of credit institutions and the number and total assets of investment firms for which simplified obligations have been applied under Article 4(1) of Directive 2014/59/EU for the purposes of resolvability assessments and resolution planning as compared to the number and total assets of all credit institutions and, respectively, investment firms established in the Member State concerned;
(b) the number of credit institutions and the number of investment firms to which a waiver has been granted under Article 4(8) of Directive 2014/59/EU;
(c) for each institution, or category of institution, to which simplified obligations have been applied and remain applicable under Article 4(1) of Directive 2014/59/EU by the end of each reporting period:
(i) the legal entity identifier number or, where this is not available, the name of the institution or institutions falling within the category;