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Version date: 18 January 2017 - onwards

10. Documentation, internal policies and risk management processes

Timeliness of the identification of default

106. Institutions should have effective processes that allow them to obtain the relevant information in order to identify defaults in a timely manner, and to channel the relevant information in the shortest possible time and, where possible, in an automated manner, to the personnel that is responsible for taking credit decisions, and more in particular:

(a) where they apply automatic processes, such as counting of days past due, the identification of indications of default should be performed on a daily basis;

(b) where they implement manual processes, such as checking external sources and databases, analysis of watch lists, analysis of the lists of forborne exposures, identification of SCRA, the information should be updated with a frequency that guarantees the timely identification of default.

107. Institutions should verify on a regular basis that all forborne non-performing exposures are classified as default and subject to distressed restructuring. Institutions should also analyse on a regular basis the forborne performing exposures in order to determine whether any of them fulfils the indication of unlikeliness to pay as specified in Article 178(3)(d) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 and in paragraphs 49 to 55.