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Version date: 31 December 2014 - onwards
  Version 3 of 3    

13. Proposed special management orders.

Ceased from 31 December 2014

(1) Subject to subsections (2), (3) and (5), the Minister may make a proposed special management order under this section where the Minister decides that a person who has, in the Minister's opinion, the requisite knowledge, expertise and experience of the financial services sector to be the special manager of a relevant institution should be appointed as the special manager of that relevant institution.

(2) The Minister may make a proposed special management order only if the Minister, having consulted with the Governor, is of the opinion that making a special management order in the terms of the proposed special management order is necessary to secure the achievement of a purpose of this Act specified in the proposed special management order.

(3) If the Minister makes a proposed special management order in relation to a relevant institution and the intention of it or part of it is the preservation or restoration of the financial position of a credit institution, the Minister shal

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