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Version status: Ceased | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 31 December 2014 - onwards
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29. Subordinated liabilities orders.

Ceased from 31 December 2014

(1) As soon as may be after completion in relation to a proposed subordinated liabilities order of the procedures required by section 28, the Minister shall apply ex parte to the Court for an order (in this Act called a "subordinated liabilities order") in the terms of the proposed subordinated liabilities order.

(2) The Court shall, when hearing an ex parte application under subsection (1), if satisfied that the requirements of section 28 have been complied with and that the opinion of the Minister under section 28(1)(b) was reasonable and was not vitiated by any error of law, make a subordinated liabilities order in the terms of the proposed subordinated liabilities order (or those terms as varied after consideration of any submission referred to in section 28(5)(c)).

(2A) If in a proposed subordinated liabilities order the Minister has declared the intention of preserving or restoring the financial position of a credit institution, and the Court is satisfied that the Minister m

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