Article 4 Transmission of an order
1. An investment firm transmitting an order pursuant to Article 26(4) of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 (transmitting firm) shall be deemed to have transmitted that order only if the following conditions are met:
(a) the order was received from its client or results from its decision to acquire or dispose of a specific financial instrument in accordance with a discretionary mandate provided to it by one or more clients;
(b) the transmitting firm has transmitted the order details referred to in paragraph 2 to another investment firm (receiving firm);
(c) the receiving firm is subject to Article 26(1) of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 and agrees either to report the transaction resulting from the order concerned or to transmit the order details in accordance with this Article to another investment firm.
For the purposes of point (c) of the first subparagraph the agreement shall specify the time limit for the provision of the order details by the transmitting firm to the receiving firm and provide that the receiving firm shall verify whether the order details received contain obvious errors or omissions before submitting a transaction report or transmitting the order in accordance with this Article.
2. The following order details shall be transmitted in accordance with paragraph 1, insofar as pertinent to a given order:
(a) the identification code of the financial instrument;