Schedule 1, Part 2 Statements Privileged Subject to Explanation or Contradiction
1. A fair and accurate report of the proceedings, findings or decisions of an association, or a committee or governing body of an association, whether incorporated or not in the State, in a Member State or in the United Kingdom, relating to a member of the association or to a person subject, by contract or otherwise, to control by the association.
2. A fair and accurate report of the proceedings at any public meeting, held in the State, in a Member State or in the United Kingdom, being a meeting held for a lawful purpose and for the discussion of any matter of public concern whether the admission to the meeting is general or restricted.
3. A fair and accurate report of the proceedings at a general meeting, whether in the State, in a Member State or in the United Kingdom, of any company or association established by or under statute or incorporated by charter.
4. A fair and accurate report of the proceedings at any meeting or sitting of any local authority or the Health Service Executive, and any corresponding body in a Member State or in the United Kingdom.
5. A fair and accurate report of a press conference convened by or on behalf of a body to which this Part applies or the organisers of a public meeting within the meaning of paragraph 2 to give an account to the public of the proceedings or meeting.
6. A fair and accurate report of a report to which the defence of qualified privilege would apply.